
But take note of this: He who sows sparingly shall also sparingly reap; and he who sows with blessings shall also with blessings reap; Each one as he has purposed in his heart, not out of sorrow or out of necessity, for God loves a cheerful giver. 
— 2 Corinthians 9:6-7

If you would like to make an offering to the church, you can do so electronically or by check.


Electronically via Zelle

One-time and recurring donations can be given through Zelle as described below.

Get started by enrolling your email or U.S. mobile number through your mobile banking app or with the Zelle® app.


CHOOSE the amount. 


Electronically via Paypal

One-time and recurring donations can be given through PayPal via a PayPal account or a credit or debit card as described below.

Note: Paypal charges 30 cents per transaction and 2.2% of the amount of the transaction. So if an offering of $100 is made, the church will receive $97.50.


By Check

Checks can also be made out to the “The Church of God in Pittsburgh” and mailed to:

The Church of God in Pittsburgh
1618 Oakleaf Ln
Pittsburgh, PA 15237