
Upcoming Events in 2019

 Spring International Training for Elders and Responsible Ones (Anaheim, CA) April 4-6  (General Subject: Aspects of the Christian Life and Church Life Seen in the New Jerusalem)

  • Message One: The Throne of God and of the Lamb, the River of Water of Life, and the Tree of Life
  • Message Two: The City and the Bride
  • Message Three: The Pearl Gates and the Golden Street
  • Message Four: The Fellowship of Life
  • Message Five: The Intrinsic Significance of the New Jerusalem and the Dimensions of the Holy City
  • Message Six: The Lamb as the Lamp with God as the Light
  • Message Seven: The Truine God as Our Constitution, Existence, Enjoyment, Living, and Expression
  • Message Eight: Having the Glory of God

 A Blending Conference in Ohio at the Cleveland Airport Marriott in the Grand Ballroom located at 4277 West 150th Street (Cleveland, OH) April 25-27

 (General Subject: The Will of God and the Direction of the Lord’s Move)

  • Message One: The Will of God
  • Message Two: The Direction of the Lord’s Move – (1) To Build up the Body of Christ
  • Message Three: The Direction of the Lord’s Move – (2) To Prepare the Bride
  • Message Four: The Direction of the Lord’s Move – (3) To Bring in the Kingdom of God

Weblink for Audio Messages:

Springtime Blending Visit with College Students from the churches in the Metroplex (Dallas, Fort Worth, Arlington areas) of Texas (Philadelphia, PA) May 16-18 (To offer hospitality or to receive further information please contact Patrick Chang: or Dei Jie Wang:

International Memorial Day Conference at the Philadelphia Marriott Downtown in the Grand Ballroom located at 1201 Market Street (Philadelphia, PA) May 23-26

  • 1st Meeting:  Friday, May 23rd @ 7:30 PM
  • 2nd Meeting:  Saturday, May 24th @ 10:00 AM
  • 3rd Meeting:  Saturday, May 24th @ 7:30 PM
  • 4th Meeting:  Lord’s Day, May 25th @ 9:30 AM
  • 5th Meeting:  Lord’s Day, May 25th @ 7:30 PM
  • 6th Meeting:  Monday, May 26th @ 10:00 AM

(Special group rate of $99.00 USD/per night plus tax (15.2%) for single and double occupancy; and, $109.00 USD/per night plus tax (15.2%) for triple and quadruple occupancy. For room reservations, please call 1-800-228-9290 or 215-625-2900 and request the group rate for Living Stream Ministry. For the hotel website please go to For online hotel reservations please go to to get the special group rate. Reservations must be made on or before Tuesday, May 6, 2014 in order to get this reduced rate.   Check-in is 4:00 PM or earlier if rooms are available and check-out is 12:00 PM on Monday, May 26, 2014.  A late check-out of 2:00 PM is available upon request.

On site and valet parking is available at the Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, for $48.00 USD per day with in/out privileges. Additional parking is located across the street from the hotel at the South Park Garage for $36.00 USD per day with no in/out privileges.  Furthermore, parking spaces at a further reduced rate near the hotel are being pursued.  Praise the Lord!  For more information please contact Sheng Li: or Jesse Lee:

Northeast Summer School of Truth (SSoT) Teachers’ Training (Franklin, NJ) June 14 (To register or to receive further information please contact Phil Lin:

Spring Term Full-Time Training Graduation in the Ministry Conference Center (Anaheim, CA) June 28

Summer Live Training on the Crystallization-Study of Genesis (Anaheim, CA) June 30 – July 5 (To register or to receive further information please contact Patrick Chang: or Dei Jie Wang:

Summer Video Training on the Crystallization-Study of Genesis (Philadelphia, PA) July TBD (To register or to receive further information please contact Patrick Chang: or Dei Jie Wang:

2014 East Coast Summer College Training on The Humanity of Jesus (Athens, GA) July 14-20 (To register online go to  Register by June 8th for $330.  Register by June 22 for $365. For further information and practical arrangements please contact Patrick Chang: or David Shobe:

Northeast Summer School of Truth (SSoT) – Week 1 (Franklin, NJ) August 4-9 (To register or to receive further information please contact Phil Lin:

Northeast Summer School of Truth (SSoT) – Week 2 (NYC, NY) August 11-17 (To register or to receive further information please contact Phil Lin:

Fall Southeast Blendng Conference (Jacksonville, FL) August 29 – September 1

Fall International Training for Elders and Responsible Ones (Toronto, Canada) October 9-11

Fall Northeast College Conference (Harvey Cedars, NJ) October/November TBD

International Thanksgiving Day Conference (San Antonio, TX) November 27-30

Fall Term Full-Time Training Graduation (Anaheim, CA) December 20

Winter Live Training (Anaheim, CA) December 22-27